And you get bad guys who stand there dumbfounded while you shoot them in the head, or who empty clips into the scenery with the accuracy of stormtroopers with pink eye. So you get bad guys anticipating your arrival by blasting away long before you even pop your head around the corner.

In the former, you race around shooting targets on training grounds, while in the latter you simply try to survive against waves of bad guys.Īrtificial intelligence is a mix of rank stupidity and supernatural skills. The other two single-player choices are Time Trial and Hostiles, both dreadfully dull exercises. All you do is plod down narrow corridors and shoot your way through choke points held by armies of identical enemies. You just drop in on assignments in Vietnam, both Cold War-era Germanys, Nicaragua, and Afghanistan, usually in the midst of some bloody craziness, and kill a mass of enemies while swearing lustily about the injustice of it all. The campaign option is highlighted by Operations, which consists of separate historic missions with series protagonists Alex Mason and Frank Woods going back all the way to commando operations during the Vietnam War. Solo modes of play are lacking in every respect. And various bugs, missing features, and other egregious flaws kick in their own contributions toward wasting a few hours of your life that you will never get back.Īnonymous, robotic enemies are the main component in single-player operations.ĭeclassified masquerades as a fully featured shooter, but in reality the game is anything but.

Single-player is repetitive and annoying multiplayer is a stripped-down waste of time. This sad excuse for a portable first-person shooter shoots itself in the foot over and over again. Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified is a ticket to nothing but aggravation. Since the PS Vita is in dire need of a good shooter to take advantage of its nifty two-sticks setup, you would think that a Call of Duty game to mark the arrival of Black Ops II on the system's big-console brothers would be just the ticket.