Downgrade Windows 10 Pro to Windows 10 S.Pause Windows Updates for Up to 35 Days.Roll Back Windows 10 Creators Update to a Prior Version.Access the Advanced Startup Options Menu.Uninstall and Restore the Built-in Apps.Disable Personalized Ads on Microsoft Sites and Apps.Fix a Slow-Opening Windows Downloads Folder.Stop Windows Update from Automatically Restarting Your PC.Also, find out how to fix serious problems by booting into your BIOS, running older programs in compatibility mode or even rotating your screen.

Learn how to prevent the operating system from restarting to update without your permission, speed up a slow-opening Downloads folder or disable personalized ads. We love Windows 10, but like a close relative, sometimes it can overstep boundaries and get on your nerves. How to Pin a Website to Windows 10's Start Menu.Save the Spotlight Lock Screen Pictures.How to install Windows 10 apps to an SD Card or USB Drive.Change Your Desktop Background in Windows 10.

Turn off Notification and System Sounds.Make Windows 10 Look and Feel Like Windows 7.Change the theme, adjust the icon size, or turn the new OS into a dead ringer for Windows 7. Tweak the Windows UI so it looks and feels just the way you like it. Upgrade to Windows 10 From Windows 7 or 8.How to Get to the Desktop in Windows 10.Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts to Save You Clicks.The utility is intended to help those with visual field impairments not lose track of the mouse cursor. Thanks to this utility, the key combination CTRL+Alt+P will place a crosshair over the mouse pointer. The final feature added in this PowerToys update is a new mouse utility co-developed with the accessibility team at Microsoft. The second add-on generates thumbnails in File Explorer for the STL file format, which is a common 3D file format. This add-on is powered by Monaco Editor, which is the code editor for Microsoft Visual Studio Code. The first add-on introduces plain text view support for 150 different file extensions in File Explorer’s preview pane. Two of these features are File Explorer add-ons. The latest release of PowerToys comes with performance improvements and bug fixes, but it also introduces three new features. Since then, the team and community behind this open source tool have brought additional features to the tool suite and a makeover for Windows 11. That is until Microsoft rebooted the project in 2019 and released in on GitHub for Windows 10. However, after Windows XP, PowerToys went the way of the dodo bird. Among these tools was TweakUI, which exposed system utility settings that were previously accessible only by modifying the Windows Registry. In the age of Windows 95, Microsoft introduced PowerToys, a set of tools for Windows power users to tweak to their heart's content.